Welcome, krea[K]tiv jeunesse!
Today is the opening night!!
For the first time, the Jeunesse appears with a joint podcast (BR – Anna Küch) on the website.
krea[K]tiv inner circle says:
„krea[K]tiv -musiktheater stands up, e.V. encourages young artists to get involved and actively work for their present and future.
They can get involved in various areas of our association, either in the form of working groups or simply by giving their input on topics that concern them!
krea[K]tiv jeunesse is krea[K]tiv with its own topics, viewpoints, ideas, and projects.
We look forward to exchanging ideas and working together!“
krea[K]tiv jeunesse says:
„The jeunesse invites you to network with other aspiring musicians who face the same challenges; to enrich, exchange, and encourage each other. krea[k]tiv Jeunesse is an opportunity to jointly shape the future we want for the opera world. With courage, solidarity, and love for opera, we are paving a path that focuses on the issues of the upcoming generation, shakes up the old, and starts where we want things to change; new beginnings and innovation.“
Podcast Marlene Metzger & Uscha Hesse von den Steinen
Interview: Anna Küch on behalf of Bayerischer Rundfunk.