

krea[K]tiv jeunesse workshop:
„How do I apply for a job in a meaningful way?“
on 09.07.2022

Erstellt am: 8. Juli 2022
Autor: Susanne Petridis
Kategorie: News

FOR MEMBERS ONLY (become a member quickly).
„How to apply in a meaningful way“.

where: digital (zoom)
on: 09.07.22.
when: 14.30 – 16.30

This coming Saturday, our first workshop on „how to apply for jobs“ kicks off!
Who is participating?

Please register at no later than 8.07.2022 at 24.00 hrs.
with the subject: „How to apply for a job in a meaningful way“.
(The number of participants is unlimited)

The zoom link will then be sent to you in time via e-mail on 9.07.

Leaving early is possible, coming late is also possible, and those who want to discuss further afterward are welcome to stay longer.

There is also the possibility to be there with your own application material!
Together we will evaluate the answers of many directors, agents, and opera studio directors that we received to our questionnaire, and then look at some of your application materials.
In this way, we want to train our view of what makes a good application.

Who of you would like to have his/her materials analyzed in the course?
You are welcome to send us the following documents via the same e-mail address:

You can send everything, or one of them, as you like.

Of course, we will treat all material confidentially and respectfully, and also at the workshop we will not evaluate the content, but only formally talk about it.

We are looking forward to seeing you!